Friday, January 29, 2010

Baby It’s Cold Outside

Rock Ledge

I really hate winter, I mean really really hate winter, everything about it.  The cold, the snow, the ice, scraping car windows (outside and inside the vehicle!), snow building up on the windshield wiper, losing control of the car on ice and snow covered roads, risking my kids life every time we have to go someplace, the huge heating bills (and of course we heat three floors), the bulky winter clothes and washing them cause you can only fit three sweaters and a couple pair of jeans in one load as opposed to about a dozen summer items, dressing the kids in multi layers, laying in bed shivering all night and then going and putting my son who has a raging fever in bed with me to keep me warm, days that the sun will peak out and the temps hit 40’s and then the next day its 20 below, when school gets delay because of the snow but I still have to drive to work, getting showered and dressed each morning only to go outside and get covered in wind blown snow and ice and getting to work soaking wet looking like just crawled out of bed and forgot to wash the mascara off my checks, constant dry skin from forced air heat, sitting in front of a door that opens and closes all day (but then getting smart and locking the front office door and make everyone park out back and use the back door), leaving for work in the dark and getting home in the dark, cold toes that never get warm, blowing on my hands to warm them up and getting light headed, feeling like all I want to do is lay on the couch covered in blankets and do nothing but hibernate and get fat, standing outside the school in freezing temps, with a toddler waiting for school to get out, taking an hour to bundle kids up to play in the snow and then having them say “I have to pee”, then to repeat the process all over for about a half hour outside, having only two seasons that consist of nine months of winter and three months of spring…….shall I go on or do you get the point.


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