Saturday, February 19, 2011

S is for….


I finished up another book today and I love that I can start on a new one tonight!  I have already read T is for Trespass (back in December) so now I’m on to U is for Undertow and that will complete the series until V is written.

photo courtesy of

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winter Time!

Do you remember being a kid and going outside ALL day and crying when it was time to go inside?  I do – even in the middle of winter I loved being outside.  We got a good amount of snow last night and since Luke set eyes on it this morning all he wanted to do was go outside – how could I resist?

Joseph had his first sleep over last night so when he came home, he immediately fell asleep.  I bundled Luke up and out we went.  Steve had just snowplowed so there was a huge snow pile – I started digging a small hole telling Luke I’d make him an igloo but we decided to turn it into a tunnel that came out the other side.  In the middle we made a big area where they can sit and hide.  I know forts like that can be dangerous and collapse (speaking from experience) but the boys are never outside unsupervised so all is safe! 

I dug and shoveled snow for two hours.  I can only imagine how I’m going to feel in the morning.  And to top it all off – I start a new job!


(yeah that is our cat’s hind end above Luke’s head – he played in the fort too)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Book Two


I just finished my second book of the year

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

by Stieg LarssonThe Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest [Book]

This is the third book in Steig Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy and it was just a great as the other two.  I was immediately hooked when I picked up The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and then I flew through book two - The Girl Who Played with Fire