Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Let the crafting begin!

We applied for and finally received our Federal ID number which means we can now attend craft shows and, better yet, are able to purchase items at Michaels – tax exempt!

The next step is deciding on and preparing our display area and finding shows. We have tons of ideas up our sleeve and have already researched all the shows in the surrounding areas.

Keep an eye for us this summer. For a preview – check out our craft blog by clicking - The Pineneedle Valley

Maggie May

Our kitty Maggie May is getting bigger – so much so that we really can’t call her a kitten anymore!

She still has a the feistiness though and is constantly playing, running and attacking my yarn.



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

At a Stand Still


Well, a few weeks ago I finished the last of the Sue Grafton Alphabet Series.  All is at a stand still until V is published!  I finished this book about two weeks ago and am just now getting around to posting it…..things have been crazy busy!!

*Photo courtesy of suegrafton.com