Tuesday, March 9, 2010

American Idol

Yawn….Yawn….Yawn….  Oh American Idol I am so disappointed this year!!  I have been a faithful follower all this time but I’m seriously considering terminating our time together!  I think I’m compelled to sit in front of the TV every week just to see if someone finally GETS IT – gets what??  The “wow factor – Dog, the wow factor – it’s just not happenin for me, know what I’m sayin?”  Ugh….and it’s the same old thing those darned song choices!  The guys are up tomorrow, will I sit through it, oh probably!


  1. I totally agree!!!!! I have even found myself catching up on the DVR instead of watching it!

  2. Nope - its tomorrow now and I am watching it. And guess what? Someone didn't have IT... THE moment...
    I am with you - I have been a die hard fan since the beginning, but we aren't hanging out together as much this year.
